Oil & Gas

Urbanismo Geomatrix ofrece diversas soluciones con geosintéticos que favorecen la sostenibilidad ambiental y optimizan los procesos constructivos en proyectos de urbanismo. Nuestros geosintéticos se utilizan en aplicaciones como jardines verticales, techos verdes, impermeabilización, subdrenaje y la construcción de vías, contribuyendo así a mejorar la eficiencia y durabilidad de las infraestructuras urbanísticas. Además, nuestras soluciones están…

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Minero energético

Energetic Geomatrix offers different solutions with geosynthetics that contribute to environmental management and optimize the construction process of the energy production sector. Geosynthetics are used mainly to reinforce subgrades in access roads, subdrainage systems, reflection of sunlight, containment structures, water management, among others. GEOSYNTHETICS FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR THAT COULD…

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We recognize the importance of sustainability in the industry. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact by manufacturing the highest quality products. We are proud that our factory is environmentally responsible and firmly believe that geosynthetics contribute significantly to our society by achieving friendly solutions…

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Rellenos Sanitarios

Sanitary Landfills To develop solid waste confinement in a cost-efficient manner, in addition to protecting the environment, Geomatrix has geosynthetics for sanitary landfills that cover all types of requirements for the construction of these structures on soft soils, base reinforcement, protection of geomembranes in the confinement of solid waste, hydraulic lining,…

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Parques lineales

Linear Parks At your disposal geosynthetics for linear parks and applications in revegetation, hydraulic lining, channel protection and hydraulic control structures. GEOSYNTHETIC FOR LINEAR PARKS THAT YOU COULD USE: Permadrain Geodren Drainpipe Pipe Geotextiles Fortex Fabrics Conficell LS Geocells Fortgrid Asphalt Biaxial Geogrids

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Carreteras infraestructura víal

Infraestructura vial – Carreteras Las carreteras que incluyen en su estructura geosintéticos de Geomatrix se desempeñan adecuadamente durante una prolongada vida útil. Los geosintéticos para carreteras, en los diferentes niveles de una estructura de pavimento son de gran beneficio. Las más importantes aplicaciones son las siguientes: separar suelos disímiles, reforzar/estabilizar la subrasante, reforzar las capas…

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Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas Las propiedades de los geosintéticos para el sector petrolero de Geomatrix permite lograr soluciones eficientes para la construcción y manejo ambiental en el sector Oil & Gas, para aplicaciones en refuerzo y estabilización de suelo en vías de acceso y facilidades, plataformas de exploración y operación, carga y almacenamiento en patios de…

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Minero energético

Minero Geomatrix offers different solutions with geosynthetics that contribute to environmental management and optimize the construction process of mining activity. Geosynthetics are used mainly to reinforce subgrades in access roads and facilities, subdrainage systems, sludge management and dewatering, containment structures for roads and location platforms. GEOSYNTHETICS FOR THE MINING SECTOR…

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Estructuras Hidráulicas

Geomatrix Hydraulic Structures has led the development of cost-efficient geosynthetic solutions with multiple benefits in terms of durability and performance, which allow the development of reliable projects. Among them, geosynthetics for hydraulic structures. Geosynthetics are used in hydraulic linings to protect banks and slopes, creeks, lagoons and reservoirs, slopes susceptible to erosion, lining...

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Geomallas, geosintéticos, Geomatrix

Products We manufacture a wide line of high-performance products, designed based on knowledge and experience of both geosynthetics and their functions, as well as market needs. Additionally, we have a line of commercialized products, allowing us to have a robust and complete portfolio, ready to meet the needs of each sector. Solutions The…

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