Temporary or permanent outdoor geosynthetic designed to protect the soil against erosion agents and provide a mechanical component for the establishment of vegetation.
Biotex It is a temporary blanket of open fabric, designed to control erosion and provide mechanical support that helps the establishment of vegetation. It protects the exposed surface and preserves moisture, facilitating the development of symbiotic microorganisms that achieve self-sustaining vegetation. BIOTEX® is manufactured with slow photodegradation polyester multifilament fibres, with a natural color that is compatible with the environment. It has no adverse effects on the environment, since it is made up of inert materials.

Slope erosion
Wall facade
__________ Advantages __________
It facilitates the placement of seeds and nutrients in inclined areas.
It lodges water by capillarity in the multifilament fibers that conform it, preserving the humidity in the surface of the soil.
It provides the initial mechanical support necessary for the establishment and development of plants.
It gradually degrades due to the action of UV rays, integrating itself into the ground without leaving polluting residues, due to the fact that it is made up of inert materials.
Its natural green color provides an immediate appearance of vegetation present.
Excellent benefit - cost ratio.