Meshes with reinforced textile structure and copolymer coating, weather resistant, developed to resist aggressive natural environments in the conformation of gravity structures for hydraulic protection.
The Geomat Hydrogrid is an ideal mesh for the formation of shore protection structures and others that must function exposed to the action of water currents and weather, due to its high structural stability, high resistance to tension and its durability.. The hydrogrid Geoestera It is made with the exclusive G5 Multifilament of high-tenacity polyester (PET), protected with a copolymer that makes it highly resistant to the abrasive load imposed by the permanent action of water currents and makes it resistant to naturally aggressive environments and to the action of of UV rays.

River bank and
shoreline protection
Light gravity
___________ Advantages _____________
They allow the formation of mattresses and rockfill containers of great mass and dimension capable of withstanding the hydraulic load.
Due to their opening size, they allow the use of small-sized riprap that constitutes an ideal porous medium to dissipate the erosive power of the current and integrate into the vegetation of the site.
They have high long-term durability against weathering and aggressive natural environments.