Flexible HDPE pipe with circular section and corrugated texture, with or without perforations to capture and conduct water.

filter pipe drainpipe

It is an integral system for sub-drainage made up of a corrugated and perforated flexible pipe equipped on its perimeter with a textile filter that covers it. In combination with clean sand, the system allows the capture of groundwater without generating internal soil erosion or clogging of the pipe.

Tubería con Filtro Filter Drainpipe


Underpressure relief
Subdrainage in
sports fields
Subdrainage in

_____________     Advantages  _____________

Tubería con Filtro Filter Drainpipe


High resistance to attack by chemical products.

Tubería con Filtro Filter Drainpipe


High resistance to diametral compression and impact.

Tubería con Filtro Filter Drainpipe


High percentage of open area.

Tubería con Filtro Filter Drainpipe


Ease of bending due to its great flexibility.